Hi beautiful! Welcome to my blog. I'd like to spend the time catching you up if you're new here, so you don't feel like you have to read every blog post or whatever.

INSIDE JOKES: Here, I have started only one inside joke, so you really aren't that behind on that. Our inside joke is 'clunk'. Now, I will use this word if for instance, I am bonking my head. I will write clunk, and so on.

DAILY BLOG POSTS (?): I try to do a blog post for YOU daily, however I sometimes will get caught up in school work and such, so I might do it right when I come home or something.

HOW LONG HAVE I DONE THIS(?): I started my blog... Maybe about 1 or 2 years ago.

WHAT I USUALLY WRITE ABOUT: I will usually write about fashion. I actually have this thing called Dashin Fashion (which seems to be a favorite of everybody's...), where I might feature a celebrity and describe what they're wearing or just post some cute images that are appropriate for school or something. I also do girl talk videos and other random stuff.

I hope you feel caught up with all that has happened in the past 1 or 2 years. I hope I explained it well and that my blog is like a second home for you (cheesy...). HEY! Cheesy can be another inside joke! See, you're here to witness the making of another inside joke. YAY! Okay, bye beautiful!
PS. If you are still not really caught up yet, fill free to browse around and click on any blog posts that catches your eye.


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