I know that this isn't Thanksgiving themed, but I really don't think that I would personally want to see ALL Thanksgiving themed stuff, so I decided to do fashion quote of the day! Here it is.

OMG, this quote is AWESOME! "People will stare. Make it worth their while". Isn't that just... OMG, it basically speaks to me. I don't know about you but I think this is so true. Some people may not like you, and yes, stare, so make it worth it! Make them look at you like, wow, I love her boots! Instead of, wow, she's got to get a life.

People are constantly c criticizing people, whether they do it in their head or out loud. I am admitting it here, I sometimes do that, because I am not perfect. And I'm glad I'm not! Seriously guys, the popular girls at my school try to act weird, but it won't come out naturally. I'm one of the few people that can really see that they're trying, and again, I don't care.

Weird comes naturally. See, I've been weird ever since I was little. But the populars can act weird, but they will stare and be judgmental. Don't get it to you! All it is is just them looking. So smile and wave! That will really shock them, trust me.

Ever since last year, I really stopped caring about what other people thought about me, therefor pushing my level of confidence up. I am really glad that I started to believe in myself, which lead to meeting great new friends. Hope you guys love this quote and understand it as much as I do. Bye!


Neon Dots


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