1) Wake up with positive thoughts. This is super important. For example, you can wake up with a smile on your face and say to yourself, this is going to be a great day or, let's have some fun! That way, you have positive thoughts and feelings for the rest of the day!

2) Water. Water keeps you healthy/hydrated. The night before, lay some water right next to your bed, so in the morning you can finish it all up. This will be super helpful, and your body will be able to get used to processing foods and liquids easier. A banana would be great as well, again, it will prepare your food for heavy, harsh food.

3) Work out. You don't have to do this everyday of course, but maybe 1-3 times a week. That way you stay fit, you look great, and that itself will lead to more confidence, which is key to a happier life.

Hope you guys found this tips helpful. Stay positive, because you are beautiful/handsome. You were made for a reason. Good luck!


Neon Dots


Anonymous said…
A great advice! Ditto!
Olivia said…
Thanks so much. I feel like I wanna cry. Sorry. Congrats. You are the first person who commented on my blog

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