Hi guys. So, I wanted to do a fun blog post for you guys. My top 3 YouTube mommies of 2015! I've done "My Favorite YouTubers" blog posts before, which I will link at the end, and some of them are going to be on this list today, but I really needed to get a blog post up for you guys today for blogtober, so let's just get started! PS. I'll put all of the mommy channels at the end of this blog post!

2011teenagemom (Vanessa): I love Vanessa because she is just such a strong mother. Her daughter Lily was born with turner syndrome, and in the past couple of years, she's been through a lot. She's gotten hate from multiple people, medical problems with Lily, and when she was pregnant, the doctors didn't think that either of them would make it, but she kept on fighting, and she is so strong and I love her channel so much. She is engaged to her fiance, David.

Britneyandbaby: I also love Britneyandbaby because she's also been through a lot. Having her first daughter, Aria, was a challenge enough because she went into her terrible two's/ terrible three's pretty quickly, and around that time, she got pregnant with her first son, Nolan, and she's getting engaged to her fiance Ian and they are moving into a beautiful house, and I am just so proud of her.

Hayleeandfamily: I got into Haylee's channel by watching Vanessa's swap video with her. I decided to check her channel out, and I instantly fell in love with Haylee, Hazel (her daughter), and her boyfriend, Randy (who is not the father, but a great father figure by the way. Hazel's real father decided not to be a part of her life anymore, but Randy is so great with her), and of course her dog, Red! They are currently going to move to their own apartment, and she is just so great in general!

Hope you guys enjoyed this, and I have a VERY unexpected blog post coming today! :) Kisses to my neonators!


Neon Dots





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