Hey guys, what's up? It's Olivia, and welcome back to my blog! I have officially been living in a dorm for three years now, and I think it's safe to say that I've had my fair share of clutter. I've boughten and purchased things that I can safely say I regret buying, mainly because they take up a lot of unnecessary space that I could have used for organization purposes.

I wanted to share what I think you guys should buy for your dorm room! Whether you're new to college or boarding school, or you're in any sort of position where you would need to buy things for a dorm room, here are some things I recommend you invest in! Let's get started!

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I hate to admit this, but I am an extremely unorganized person. When it comes to almost anything, I tend to shove it into one corner and forget about it. I've come to learn that it's super crucial (especially when you're living in a dorm room) that everything has a place! Sometimes, colleges or boarding school closet don't offer a ton of space.

One of the things that I have invested in, super cost-friendly and that I highly recommend in general (not just for dorm purposes) are closet organizers! Of course, you have your hangers, but hanging closet organizers with inserts (shown above) are even better! You can place any type of clothing inside and you can also purchase drawers for cosmetic purposes, which would be a great option if you wanted to label them as well.

They make similar products like these for shoes as well, to hang your shoes on. This way, you will have a lot more space to keep everything in, regarding clothes and shoes. You can purchase this at your local Target, Bed Bath and Beyond, or any type of store that might sell room organizers like this one.

Amazon Closet Organizer


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This is COMPLETELY optional, but I wanted to include this for any of my coffee lovers out there! I used to go to the student cafe and buy coffee almost every single day. One, it's not good for the environment and two, although it might seem cheap at the moment, all of those purchases pile up on top of one another and it can really hurt your bank account and cost a lot of money when you think about it in a bigger picture.

I had purchased a Keurig a couple years ago and it was sitting in my storage room at home. I thought I might as well bring it to school, so that I can make my own coffee, tea, and hot cocoa whenever I please, without spending nearly as much money as I would have if I were to buy it!

I personally love iced coffee, so what I do is make my coffee the night before and in the morning, I can add a couple ice cubs and take it with me in a to-go cup! Again, this is something I recommend if you live off of caffeine, like myself. Of course, this is optional, but it's something I've found I do utilize quite often!

Cute Turquoise Keurig


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Some schools do offer free charging stations, which are usually placed under your desk. However, not all schools do this. Just in case, I recommend having an extra charging station like the one pictured above. It can be helpful for yourself when doing school work, charging anything you would need to, and also great when you have friends over as well. It's also something I still use, even when my dorm offers a free one because the ones at the school don't always work.

Pink Power Strip (Also in Different Colors)


Slide View: 1: Lemons Printed Canvas Laundry Bag

I do know some of my friends who live at home, instead of on-campus and for them, they can do their laundry at home. For me, I have to do it in the dorms or students are able to use the laundry service. Regardless, you definitely need somewhere to store your dirty clothes! Buying a laundry basket is something I think should be on all dorm room packing lists, that usually aren't included. Might as well get a cute one, as well! (I'll have this one linked down below but you can always opt for a cheaper version that's just as cute from anywhere else)

Urban Outfitters Lemon Laundry Bag


I suppose this doesn't necessarily include as dorm room essentials, but I wanted to include this for a couple of reasons. I've learned that when you're a student with a busy schedule, you take as much sleep as you can get, meaning you don't always have time to go to breakfast and eat a proper meal or actually drink water in the morning.

It's super important and crucial to drink as much water as you are able to, whenever given the opportunity. I am one who doesn't always drink as many glasses of water as I should, which is super unhealthy. I started to carry around a water bottle with me wherever I went. This can be helpful when you're hungry in between meals, you feel dehydrated, etc. Keep this with you, wherever you go (classes, anywhere on campus, in your dorm room, etc). This is one thing that I think people tend to forget or neglect, but can make a huge difference in your health!

Urban Outfitters Printed Glass Water Bottle

6) RUG
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Dorm room carpets or floors are generally extremely dirty. I HIGHLY HIGHLY suggest that you get a rug for your room. It doesn't have to be expensive or necessarily 'cute'. I got mine from Target for a fair price, and there are other places that offer even more affordable options as well. This is just great to get for your room, for sanitary reasons.

Target Small Pink Rug


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Storage is key to living in a clean and organized space. As shown in the photo above, this person either had their bed already propped up so that there's room to keep things underneath, or you can buy lifters to raise your bed for underneath storage. For me, my dorm room offers drawers underneath.

Again, every dorm room is different. Regardless, you can keep bins either in your closet or under your bed. It's great to keep extra clothes and even snacks to eat!

Amazon Storage Tower


If your school allows mini-refrigerators, and you're a foodie like myself, this is something you might find useful to have. For me, my roommate and I utilize this every single day! I keep different microwavable meals and even waffles inside! Again, there's not always a lot of time in the day to go drop by the dining hall and grab a bite to eat, which is why I use this so often. Completely optional and not even all colleges or schools allow you to purchase a mini-fridge, but if you have this option offered to you and you think you would use it a lot, I recommend it!

Target Black Mini Fridge


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Last winter (2018), the midwest was hit by the polar vortex. I think I got new weather alerts from my school almost every single day. We were also advised to not stay outside for more than 5-10 minutes, or else we would get frostbite. Point is, my campus is located in a state that has snow from October through late April.

Because of this, I was beyond thankful for having a warm, fuzzy blanket in my dorm room! I would carry it around with me anywhere I went; dinner, sometimes my afternoon film classes, and if I were to just chill downstairs in the living room with my friends, I would always have it with me. There are so many reasons why I would call this an essential for me; the huge thing is that I am from California and I don't do well with cold weather, which is why no matter how many jackets and layers I have, this guy right here is a lifesaver!

Urban Outfitters Fuzzy Blanket


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Myself, my roommate and my suitemates are blessed to all share a fairly large, private bathroom! However, not every school has this. In fact, my old dorm room had a community shared bathroom. Regardless, typically, if you're going to have your own separate bathroom, you have to share it. It really helps to buy a shower caddy, so that you can keep your toothpaste, toothbrush, and shower essentials inside.

This can help differentiate your things with anyone else's, keeps things organized, and again, there will be less clutter on the countertop!

Target Pink Mesh Shower Caddy

Thank you guys so much for dropping bye! See you soon!




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