So, you know how every single year, I tell you guys that I am going on one major trip, and there is always something bad that comes after it, like I forget to bring my MacBook Air or something like that? Well, this year, my family decides that we are NOT going to Wyoming, we are going to LA... Sigh! I was super excited about Wyoming, but probably more excited for LA to stop by on the way and say hi to family that I haven't seen in a year or two, and my grandfather is meeting us there.

If you cannot tell by that brief paragraph, my family hates traveling, which is weird, because I love everything about traveling, and if you are not new to my blog, you should know this at this point. My Mom travels for a living because she is a successful CEO, but my Dad and brother? They are more of the "why do we even need to travel" type. Is your family like this? Hopefully they are, because I am hopefully not the only one...

If my hotel does have wifi, I will be doing a series of blog posts talking about my adventures in LA but if it does not, I will be making a lot of fun blog posts for you guys, so comment down below if you can and tell me what you want to see, like DIY's or Makeup Madness or something. Thanks!


Neon Dots


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