
Okay, today, we are here to talk about, 'food'. Why, you ask? Well, it depends on your size and shape for you to wear whatever you want, whenever you want; remember that mini quote. Anyways, I want to tell you how you can stay fit and in great shape for not only that someone special, but for everyone, including you!

(1) Eat fruits and veggies. Apples are my personal favorite, remember, 'an apple a day keeps the doctor away', and i cannot, i mean it, CANNOT, live a day without eating apples. I feel awful.

(2) try do get plenty of exercise. try to do a sport that you enjoy, not something you are doing just because you want your body to look good. that will not lead you to anywhere but torturing yourself!

(3) try to get some help if you have lost and/or gained weight(hope you didn't gain any pounds you guys!), try to tell someone at a place that you usually shop and feel comfortable in. they also have to have cute clothes ;)! don't, and please don't, go to a shop that is expensive and snappy. the consultants there will only be like, 'oh, that looks horrible on you' or 'OMG! you look great in that!'. either way, they are lying.

don't be afraid to go to a shop that not many people go to; go there because you want to, not because you need to. the consultants are much nicer and will give you their own opinion, which can sometimes be useful, and they will always understand about what it is like to either lose or gain weight.

good luck! :)


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