Pastel Outfits! :)

Hi guys! I don't know if you're back in school, or still on SPRING BREAK, but I still am. I'm in SEDONA, AZ! I think it is really beatiful here! I went on a jeep ride today and saw a lot of mountains, and their incredible story behind them. I also went on a helicopter ride, and went on a small hike with my dad, and got to take a bunch of pics! :) I am OBSESSED with the beautiful mountains, I took a little TOOO MUUCCHHH PICTURRRESSS..... 

Anyways, I wanted to make a blog post on pastel outfits, because whenever I see a magazine, there's always pastel outfits in the ads. Well, I found this outfit from a fellow blogger! :) I thought it was really cute, so here you go!:)

I love this outfit, because it's new, fresh, and very spring friendly! She has a lacy, torquoise blouse with floral print shorts. She has cool black wedges and a necklace, and her blond hair is in a wavy motion. (Does that make any sence? :p


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