Hello! So I haven't done a 'LEARN HOW TO' in a while, so I thought I'd do one today. I decided to teach you how to learn how to make the perfect poster. Say you need to make a poster for spirit week, and you're raising money for the hurricane that just happened in Mexico. You want to make sure what you're going to be doing, first.

You may be doing face painting at the sale, so make sure you label that first at the very top, and make it at the center. (This is just an example, the whole face painting thing so if you just want to make a poster or whatever, the same rules apply.) Next, you want to draw little drawings of what you may be selling or what you may be painting on people's faces... LOL! HAHA... That sounds very creepy. And don't forget to label the name of the drawing right next to it.

Next, you may want to write in a little box (maybe at the top right corner of the poster) who will be doing whatever. Then, you may want to write below the box (draw a straight line as if you would be doing a rectangle all the way to the bottom, but just line the line up to the left side of the box) what kind of things you will be using to make the nachos if you will be selling nachos, or if you're doing face painting, maybe your going to do whatever, so you definitely want to make your customer safe and reassured that they can trust you and the products that you will be using on them.

I forgot to mention this one, but also label the prices right next to the name of the name of the painting of the... yeah.

Sorry if this blog post was a bit confusing, but I hope this helped you. Bye!


Neon Dots


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