Today I started school again, and to be honest, it wasn't that bad! Point is, this year, I vowed to try and have the best school year, and I have some tips for you all if you have the same goal, so let's get started!

1) The number one tip I have for you is to be confident. Don't care what anybody else thinks of you, or even says anything rude about you. Always remember that if someone acts out, they probably have something going on in their life. If they say that you're stupid or you're worthless, block it out, don't care about it, and you instantly have power over the conversation. I would say thank you, because it really shocks the person, and any comeback will seem stupid, haha!

2) Focus on grades. My goal this year is to try and not get interested in guys, because I have a problem, I can sometimes be obsessed, boy crazy, and this year, I just want to focus on my grades and try my best in every class.

3) If you believe that you will have a great school year, then you will. Just be confident, and it will happen.

4) I don't know about you, but my school gets tons and tons of new kids every single year in my grade, it's crazy! Try and make friends with somebody, because you could change their lives and be friends for a long time.

5) Try and make a good impression with your teachers. Do not worry, being a teachers pet isn't bad, in fact, it may be better for you because if you miss an assignment, they'll most likely let you off the hook, depending on what teacher you have.

Hope you guys enjoyed this, and you know the drill, share this with your friends, and I'll see you guys later. Kisses to my neonators!


Neon Dots

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