For some people, stereotypes can be quite annoying, but I have actually had to deal with it for my whole entire life. I only have two Asian friends in all, and one who I can discuss about with, because the other is quite busy, but point is, growing up with so many stereotypes, people assuming these things about me, I have now made a list of the stereotypes that people think about myself, so I hope you enjoy. (PS. This does not just apply to Asians, I am just listing the ones that I know.)

1) Being smart. Honey, I was born in the MODERN world, in America, so no, just because I am Asian, does not mean that I am smart. Well, I have good grades, yes, but that does not have to do anything with my family and I being Asian, or the fact that my Dad was a professor, and they both get straight A's. In fact, we all have had a moment when we got a bad grade that would scar us for life, and yes, I have had that, we all do. This is not me:

First of all, I am not a boy, and second of all, how cheesy is this? (Inside joke, anybody remember?) I just hate this picture because not all kids can get straight A's, and it gets me so annoyed... And god, he needs to see a dentist!

This is more like me:

Yup, I'm one of those kids who delay their homework until after dinner and like to browse on their phone. I actually do not know why I do this, but I have a bad habit...

2) Are you Chinese? Okay, first off, I can see how you think that I look Chinese, but you can try something different, like Japanese, and even though I look nothing like Japanese, it would be nice for a change. Most think that the only type of Asian is Chinese, which is not true, there is Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Thai, all those things. Seriously, some people... (Sigh!)

3) Do you know karate? It may be surprising to some, but not all Asians do karate, all though it is a very popular martial art sport among Asians, I did not do it, and I think that you should not just assume that any Asian person does Karate, am I right?

I would try to do this, but I would probably break a bone... So, that's that!

4) Let me guess, you want to be a doctor? Some say that all Asian parents want their kids to be a doctor or a lawyer, not true! I wanted to be a doctor on my own when I was little, and now I want to be something else, and my parents are actually trying to find some schools for me that specialize in what I want to do, fashion, which is in the arts, and my Dad is actually probably more eager to find schools for me than me going to schools! Haha...

Ahh.. Yeah, no

5) How do you say this in ____? I used to actually speak very good Korean when I was little, and I lost that once I grew, so people just naturally think that I still speak Korean once I tell them that I am Korean, which sometimes annoys me, because if you were me, and somebody always assumes these things, and it's not true, and they know that you do speak English, why ask? Eesh!

All in all guys, stereotypes are not fun, and I grew up with people assuming these things about me, and sometimes I just forget about it actually, because I am so used to it, but I wanted to write about this because I thought it would be an interesting topic. Hope you enjoyed this!


Neon Dots


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