Hi guys. Today, I wanted to do something different, something a bit more relatable, and if you did not read the title, today we are going to discuss relatable childhood memories. Yes, going back to the old Disney channel that isn't necessarily old old, but shows that you would not see anymore, so yes, let's just get started!


Okay, this was legit my life, it was literally my everything. Even when the show ended, I would watch clips on YouTube because I seriously had an obsession. All of my friends and I would have our really cool sleepovers talking about, I don't know, Billy, who picked his nose today or something child like and watch Hannah Montana while doing it.... Okay, hopefully that's not just me.


I don't know if you guys remember this, but I remember when I was little, my friend showed me some colorful rubber bands that were shaped into objects, and everybody at school would trade them for a certain thing that they didn't have, and everybody started to build a collection, probably putting it on their window or somewhere safe where their siblings or parents couldn't steal them, because back then I was scared that someone in my family would because I assumed that if I thought it was cool, everybody would want them, but for some reason, they just started to disappear here and there, and it's so crazy that even though they were so popular, kids now a days, I don't even know what they trade at school, if they trade at all.


I know guys, it's bad to use swear words, but once in a while, we all do it to a certain extent, and I remember back then, if someone said shut up or you're stupid, it was shocking, absolutely shocking, and then that person was probably banned from the "group".


I don't know if anybody else did this, but everybody back then would ask permission if they could be friends, and I don't know why, but when somebody asked if they could become friends, they still are friends to this day, for example my younger brother and his best friend, obviously asked each other for permission, and are still best friends to this day, along with my two best friends and so on, so hey, who knows, maybe kids still do that.


Oh my god, homework. I remember my friends and I would be assigned homework where we would take a word and have to fill it into a definition, and I know that some people had coloring homework, but I want to know what school exactly you went to because mine was straight up one plus one and spell out book. I also had word books where we had a book to take home and read for the week, and oh my gosh, it's so crazy because I'm really advanced in reading now and I was reading ridiculous things like The Lorax and what not.

I hope you guys could relate to any of these mini stories I shared with you guys, and if you guys want to share with me some stories/video clips of you telling me which one you could relate to, or maybe add onto this so that I can do a part two, use the #childhoodstories on Instagram. Kisses to my neonators!


Neon Dots


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