I think that having a summer party with your friends to celebrate no more school is a great idea. However, wouldn't it be even more cute if you went to Michael's and buy some really cheap supplies so you and your friends could have a DIY Picnic day? If you want to find out some really cute ideas, then keep reading! (I'm so excited, I may even try this!)


1) This is a really cute idea that I love. You could pack snacks that you know that your friends love, and pack them in paper bags and roll them up, using sharpies and saying cute things like Bon Appétit or chow down!

2) If you want to make a personal picnic blanket, then you will need:

•White blanket
•Color of paint

Make rhombus shapes with your tape onto your blanket and paint the inside. You could also use spray paint, but that may be a bit tricky. Make sure that it dries to make the blanket better and take off the tape. There you go!

3) I don't have a picture for this one, but what you will need is:

•Melted chocolate or Nutella
•Sprinkles are optional

What you want to do is stick the straw into the chocolate and put it in a plate with plastic wrap over it and stick it in the freezer to make it cool faster, or the refrigerator.REMINDER: BEFORE YOU PUT IN THE STRAWS, PUT SOME SPRINKLES ON! :)

Hope you guys found this helpful. Love you all! bye!


Neon Dots


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