Why do I think blogging is my job? I feel like I can come home from school, all stressed out, and just sit in front of the computer and type, one of my favorite things to do, and just talk about what's on my mind. I feel like you guys are listening and reading this because in a way, it's as if we were both having a normal conversation with each other. I say something and you guys listen.

You guys have no idea how grateful I am for all of my viewers. People from all around the world come and read my blog. USA, UK, Russia, Canada, Poland, Indonesia, Nepal, South Korea, China, everywhere you could imagine and more. Just the thought of me kind of having friends around the world amazes me every single day. I hope that some of you guys come to read my blog daily, checking if there is a new blog post up yet.

That is why I consider this my job. Writing for you guys is my hobby now, and a job to me in a way. I am entertaining you guys and doing something I love to do. I do not show any information about myself, yet I am expressing myself throughout all angles. My ideas, my thoughts, and everything that you guys could think about, I basically talk about. School, DIY's, fashion, makeup, nails, games, everything. You are safe here, and we are all a family together. I am basically entertaining my family as my job. That is why this is my job, and the best one anybody could ever ask for.


Neon Dots
PS. I love you


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