I haven't done a Fluffy Update in a while, just because I was trying out some new series for you guys and such, so I should probably do more Fluffy updates in the future. If you are new to my blog or just forgot, Fluffy is my Syrian hamster.

Anyways, he's been really sleepy and lazy the last time you saw him. I don't really give him broccoli as much as I used to, just because I always forget to pick it up at the market, so I will just give him some carrots and half a strawberry yogurt drop from Petco. He LOVES his water, and I mean LOVE. And again, he's always sleepy. If he were to wake up on his own, he might get up around 10-11! Therefor, I wake him up around 9-10, just to make it easier for me, and hopefully he gets used to it, so that it can just be a new routine for us, but I do want to say, his night routine and food routine and all that changes constantly.

Hope you guys enjoyed this Fluffy update. Bye!


Neon Dots and Mr. Fluffy Pants

PS. I have been getting a lot of views from you guys lately, and it just lightens my day. Thanks! Love you all.


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