I know guys, I am lacking on blog posts. I guess I have been busy lately. I am starting school tomorrow. To be honest I'm not that excited... 😁 hopefully I can just catch up slowly on the whole school thing. I'm taking today off so that I can just relax and prepare myself for school tomorrow. I think I may have to have some time alone, away from my blog. Just to get the gist of getting back to school again. But I do promise that I will be making blog posts as soon as possible, maybe even sweet. I really don't know.

I know you guys understand, because you guys are the nicest people I know. It is hard because I do have a lot of tests. Throughout the week I probably have one, two, or on the rare occasion, three tests! As you can see, it is really hard to manage it all and write a blog post for you guys as much as possible. So hopefully you guys can understand. I will try and make a blog post to speak. I really have no idea.

And I am so sorry for saying on anon that you can comment down below. I believe that the last week or two, there were some issues with the whole Conti thing, but now I believe it works. Please let me know in any shape or form if there is something wrong with the whole process, if you know me.

Thanks so much for reading this blog post. I hope that I don't really make you guys seem sad or mad or angry in any shape or form. I promise, I am really busy. Trust me. It is sometimes hard to think that my life is just a bundle of things all over the place. Hopefully you guys will understand. But I would like you guys to check my blog as much as possible, just to follow up on what is happening. Please feel free to read any blog posts, new or old. Thanks so much for reading this, again. Bye!


Neon Dots


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