Hi guys. Okay, so you should know by now that I am the worlds biggest procrastinator of all time, and you should also know that I am traveling to Texas in three days (I will link the info about that trip/blog post down below at the end), so if you are in need of something to do on a plane, you've come to the right person, because, as long as I'm not bored, I can do/find something to do anytime, anywhere.

1) I love to listen to music wherever I go, and this way, you can enjoy the view from outside your window. I mean, who could get old of looking at clouds? Okay, maybe that's just me that finds it really pretty... :-/

2) You can also make a time lapse on your phone, and that way, you can share it with your friends or post it on Instagram

3) Always bring food onto your plane, so that you can eat your butt off, and usually, when I'm eating, I talk to my family (they get so frustrated, it's hilarious) or read, because reading can kill some time.

4) Try out new makeup looks (store your beauty products in your carry on if you can) so that you can try some really cute looks out, or you can do hairstyles, or even paint your nails, because, keep in mind, it's not like it's going to be a shaky ride.

5) Take a nap. Hey, you might as well kill time, and by the time you're done, you'll most likely already have landed.

6) This kind of relates to number 3, but bring a magazine. Save up your magazines a month in advanced, and bring some with you, and you can read all of them in your bag.

7) Write a story/TV script in a notebook. I don't know about you guys, but I love to write, obviously, so writing is how I kill time. I also sometimes write songs! :) And nobody can judge you...

8) Take a TON OF SELFIES! Like, a lot... And isn't it kind of funny to see the person next to you's reaction if you do the most dramatic pose ever. Actually, I was once riding the bus, and there was this girl sitting next to me, and she was taking pictures, trying to hide it but it clearly didn't work, and she was taking THE MOST dramatic poses ever, it was hilarious.

9) Get to know the person sitting next to you, because you will be with them for a couple of hours anyway.

10) Make a board game with simply white paper, flash cards, scissors, and pens, and some coins or nick knacks.

Hope you guys found this helpful! Kisses to my neonators!


Neon Dots


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